Yorkshire Tennis - Petition to keep Outdoor Tennis during Lockdown 2. Please sign.

As you aware, the ruling surrounding Outdoor Exercise is a little vague and we want to help ensure tennis outside is allowed through Lockdown 2.

It seems that indoor tennis is probably a non-starter, but there may be a chance that outdoor play between one person and another non-household person will be allowed, such as singles or even individual tennis lessons.

We have been asked by Yorkshire Tennis if all our members and friend, to firstly sign the online petition below and secondly to send an email to your MP as well, as this will be debated in the House of Commons.



The advised wording for E-mails or letter to Mp"s from Yorkshire LTA are as follows:-

“Dear MP
I am writing to you on behalf of the members of XXXXXX Tennis Club to ask that you use your good offices to persuade the Government to allow two non-household individuals to play tennis on outdoor courts during the lockdown for many good reasons such as physical exercise and mental health. Tennis developed the protocols as the restrictions were beginning to be eased after Lockdown 1 with the net and non-circulation at the end of the game acting as natural barriers. Washing hands before and after with gel during the game also act as suitable barriers to infection.
I would be most grateful if you could acknowledge this email and advise me of your intentions.
Thank you in advance,